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vivo 执行副总裁、首席运营官

HU Baishan

Corporate Member of the Boao Forum for Asia,

Executive Vice President & COO, vivo




















Q: Currently, various countries, including the United States and European nations, are successively introducing policies on semiconductors and green industries. How do you view the impact of industrial policies on the vitality of technological innovation?


A: At present, as the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation accelerates, cutting-edge and disruptive technologies continue to emerge. Industrial policies play a crucial role in nurturing future industries, driving industrial upgrades, opening new tracks, and shaping new quality productive forces.


First, the innovation bottleneck in the industry requires breakthroughs in basic theories and underlying technologies. This can be accelerated through tackling key technological projects at the national level and research in national key laboratories, thus breaking through the innovation bottleneck.


Secondly, the steam engine, internal combustion engine, electrification, and information revolution were all revolutions of single technologies. However, the ongoing intelligence revolution is a hybrid revolution of various underlying technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, spatial perception, brain-computer interfaces, and bioengineering. This revolution requires more cross-technological and cross-industrial collaboration and guidance from industrial policies. It emphasizes the leading role of national strategic technological initiatives to create original technology sources.


Lastly, the investment in basic theories, frontier technologies, and disruptive technological breakthroughs is enormous and highly uncertain. It’s often difficult for enterprises to bear such high risks, making it necessary for national efforts to re-invest in directions that determine the future competitiveness of the country.


vivo insists on user-oriented differentiated innovation, solidifying its R&D foundation, and hopes to promote the collective prosperity of the industrial and supply chains under the support of national industrial policies. This aims to accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading, and promote the rapid development of new quality productive forces.


Q: AI saw significant breakthroughs in 2023. In which areas do you foresee that technology will most likely approach “singularity” in the short term?


A: vivo, as a tech company deeply attuned to user needs, excels at identifying which consumer tech revolutions are nearing the “singularity.” First, we look for significant trends in user needs; next, during our technology R&D process, we seek long-term tech avenues that can meet these needs. If there’s a noticeable trend in user demands and corresponding technology paths are making leapfrog progress, it indicates that the “singularity” might be approaching.


In recent years, there’s been a growing demand for technology to be “portable and personal, ” with expectations for a “do-it-all” tech product that’s always by our side. While this demand could be seen as a fundamental need within the mobile phone industry, considering the recent breakthroughs in communication, chip technology, artificial intelligence, and imaging sensors, the possibility of a “robot” that blends into our surroundings and provides various smart services has emerged. This could well be a “singularity.” In short, we believe the mobile phone industry itself is where the tech revolution is most likely to approach the “singularity.”


Over the years, the vivo Central Research Institute focuses on “design, imaging, systems, and performance” based on user demands and technological trends. In 2023, vivo also launched its technology brand “BlueLM” including vivo’s self-developed general large model matrix—BlueLM, one of the earliest released and most capable open large models in the mobile industry. With real user demands and a wealth of technological innovations like vivo’s BlueLM emerging in the industry, we believe it won’t be long before breakthrough tech products appear.


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