Director of the Institute of China and
ContemporaryAsia of the Russian Academy of Sciences
A: The debate about the need to regulate AI is unfolding with renewed vigor. The EU plans to adopt the AI Act. It would divide AI technologies into categories according to their potential danger. The draft would also ban the use of facial recognition technology in public places and the use of AI by the police to predict offenses. It also contains measures to regulate generative AI systems. The AI Act would prohibit American companies from providing API access to generative AI models. Attention is also being paid to the provision that any model available in the EU without licensing will face fines of more than €20 million, or 4% of global revenue. The EU, in fact, threatens important parts of the US technology ecosystem with sanctions.
In Russia, regulation of AI will likely follow the path of centralization of neural network management in the hands of the state and large corporations. One of the most important applications is biometric facial recognition. In the AI Act, the collection of biometrics is classified as high-risk, thus developers using AI for these purposes are required to undergo checks by independent experts. Such a measure would also be relevant in Russian AI legislation.
Q: The UN Conference on Trade and Development projected global trade to decline by 5% year-on-year due to the escalation of geopolitical tensions and structural changes in international trade. How can trade regain its role as an engine of global economic growth? How should the institutional reform of the WTO accommodate these new changes?
A: The third decade of the 21st century has seen exceptional turbulence in the global economic system. Our world is on the verge of a transformation, with global trade reflecting these new developments and processes.
As part of the post-war order, the WTO also needs reform. The main issues that the WTO seeks to address in this century include: the rise of protectionism; the abuse of the “Exemptions for Security Considerations” of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS); the need to amend GATS given the increasing weight of the service industry; unresolved issues such as over-subsidization in agriculture; and the fact that many countries have begun to act aggressively in protecting domestic markets, largely in response to restrictions imposed by Washington and its allies on some of these countries’ most competitive sectors.
Globalization is in serious crisis.
Deindustrialized countries have realized that they are over-reliant on others for the supply of essential goods, and countries like the United States have opted for reindustrialization. Economic sanctions and the need to rebuild logistics routes and global value chains have also led to increased costs. Furthermore, rising uncertainties in the financial sector have increased the volume of intergovernmental currency settlements. Some non-Western nations sought to establish a financial ecosystem independent of Western control.
In the short term, it is hard to imagine a scenario. In the medium to long term, if geopolitical conflicts gradually abate and countries can once again rebuild bilateral and multilateral dialogues based on rationality and economic interests, it is likely international trade will enter a trajectory of sustained growth.
In the past few years, sanctions imposed as a tool of war have led to punitive measures being meted out in various sectors. The sanctioned countries are dissatisfied with the systematic violations of WTO rules by the nations that were the dominant players in the early years of the WTO (mainly the US). Double standards have forced the world economy to seek new opportunities for development. At present, there is little chance for normalizing relations with Western countries. More opportunities come from the integration of non-Western countries, the formation of new economic blocs, and reorientation of global value chains towards friendly countries. The closer economic interactions among developing countries are expected to lead the restoration of global economic growth in the foreseeable future.