LEE Hee-sup
Secretary-General of the Trilateral CooperationSecretariat (TCS)
Q: International exchange and cooperation is indispensable to technological breakthroughs. Given the current global situation, how can we advance international cooperation to drive technological innovations?
A: We are witnessing the intensification of hightech competition amid the Fourth Industrial Revolution. As the interlinkage between economic imperatives and security concerns deepens, the window for international technological collaboration is narrowing. However, we must distinguish between domains where we must strive for a competitive edge by securing technological superiority and areas where we must pursue mutual cooperation.
“Sharing” and “collective endeavor” are both essential. While technology is traditionally viewed through the lens of competitive advantage, it also serves as a potent vehicle for collective collaborations aiming at addressing the most pressing challenges facing humanity. Global technological cooperation undertaken to address climate crises, natural disasters, and diseases is a matter of survival, underscoring the importance of transnational technological collaboration.
Around 2000, China, Japan and Korea established high-level intergovernmental consultative mechanisms for science and technology, IT, and intellectual property rights (IPRs). The three countries have been promoting “open innovation” through technology transfer and joint research projects. It is imperative to closely examine cooperation projects that successfully achieved, especially those in competitive arenas with significant policy differences. The TRIPO Heads Meeting is a good example showing that cooperation can be regularized and institutionalized even in highly competitive sectors. Currently, patent applications in the three countries account for 62% of the global total. Notably, during the meeting held last year, discussions were held regarding AI-generated inventions and their eligibility as IPRs, a salient issue in the AI era.
Not only should China, Japan and Korea persevere in their collaborative efforts, but ASEAN and the broader Asian region must also create an environment conducive to transnational exchanges among young researchers and facilitating collaborative endeavors aimed at achieving energy sustainability and environmental stewardship.
Q: New development trends in regional cooperation have emerged after the pandemic. In what areas should Asian nations focus on bolstering cooperation?
A: The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in an era of hyper-uncertainty. “Digitalization”, “green”, and “supply chain restructuring” are reshaping the global economy. These shifts are anchored in free trade, multilateralism, and demographic factors, e.g. low birth rates and an aging populace.
While competition and protective measures in frontier technologies such as AI and quantum computing will continue to escalate, countries still need to collaborate in developing technical standards, e-commerce regulations, and cybersecurity protocols. There is plenty of room for collaboration in overseas investment in hydrogen and carbon capture and storage technologies, technologies related to climate change, as well as in collaboratively tackling climate change at the international level. Meanwhile, countries also need to establish a multi-layered cooperation platform to stabilize supply chains in the face of growing regional blocs and nationalistic protectionism.
Meanwhile, facing the double whammy of a low birth rate and population aging, the three countries’ share of the world population fell below 20% for the first time in 2023, and ASEAN countries are also confronted with similar demographic challenges, hence the pressing need to reinvent the macroeconomic growth models previously harnessed synergies between Japan and Korea’s technological prowess and China’s labor force and vast domestic market. The demographic issues will also lead to substantial social impacts on education, healthcare, public policy, etc. The East Asian countries must cooperate on these issues, with significant potential for collaboration in emerging sectors, e.g. the silver economy and digital healthcare industry.
Asia has a long history of collective resilience, This resilience is underpinned by mutual trust built through mechanisms such as ASEAN+3, APEC, and the Trilateral Summit, as well as economic cooperation frameworks like the RCEP and CPTPP. We must maintain solidarity to create synergies and complementarities. In a world where the free trade order is threatened, East Asia must bolster regional solidarity and cooperation to safeguard and sustain the free trade system.
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